UK NDR C-tags, are your company’s tags up to date?

tagging legacy regulatory reporting

Over the past couple of years some of the C-Tags used in the UK NDR have changed, along with changes in the number of C-Tags being attached to a single item. This can mean that in many cases your C-Tag assignation may not be fully correct anymore.

Flare has automated ways to assign C-Tags to data items in the NDR. This means that retagging retired C-Tags and more complex reports that should have multiple C-Tags becomes much easier and ensure that your reporting compliance is much improved.

Flare is delighted to introduce FLARE MiNDR ― a search, tagging and compliance tool, and associated workflow, that allows operators to streamline the way in which they find information and assign C-Tags prior to submission to the NSTA’s UK National Data Repository (NDR) to meet regulatory requirements.

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