The Information Management platform

Sirus is built on Flare’s vision of ‘integrated business information’. Sirus meets the needs of Information Management departments, as well as providing an enterprise search capability for general users. Sirus can also augment existing enterprise search initiatives.
The platform provides IM functionality for search, tracking, taxonomy management and automated metadata tagging and classification, as well as a number of additional integrated applications. Based on a common set of IM design principles and architecture, Sirus and the supporting modules can be configured to address business requirements and solve information management problems.
All modules are web-enabled and support web services that allow other systems to integrate with Flare tools, exposing lists, taxa, functions or requesting automatic tagging, classification or migration of content. The security module is robust, flexible and customizable.

The Flare Industry Taxonomies provide a sophisticated comprehensive knowledge map for the Energy industry.

The Sirus Insight Engine delivers automation, tagging, rules, adaptors, content analysis and taxonomy management.

Flare Catalog
The Catalog provides a persistent index, of common metadata tags, delivering performant search and visualisation capabilities.

Flare Tracker
Tracker enables business and technical processes to be clearly defined and made visible, turning paper process into actions.

Flare Folio
Folio combines a dynamic project environment with rigorous IM thinking. With an easy to use folder-like interface and the ability to integrate multiple repositories, Folio can bring together business assets, functions, disciplines and business process.

Flare General Apps
Sirus is integrated with a number of optional general applications, such as Lessons Learned, or Action trackers.

Flare Specialist Apps
Sirus is integrated with optional Energy industry specific applications, such as Wellfile or Opportunity tracking.