Does a merger or acquisition threaten to overwhelm your organisation with torrents of documents and data?

In August 2017, Total SE acquired the Exploration & Production assets of Maersk Oil and became the second-largest operator in the North Sea. The data and information from Maersk included over 320 million files, amounting to 4 Petabyte of disk space. From an early stage, Total Upstream Denmark (TUDK) engaged Flare Solutions to help with the integration effort.
Key Challenges
- Deal with the influx of huge data sets; understand what exists and what to do with it
- Maintain daily operations; minimise disruption and maintain minimised risk
- Understand what vendor and seismic spec data Total were entitled to
- Simplify the management of the information
Olivier Mairal, Head of Data Integration at Total, said
“…from experience, a standard approach on a similar scope would have taken about 20 years to do this manually with one-person EFT and a significant saving in terms of budget. The transition project was a success and delivered on time. My team did a great job, and Flare Solutions’ consultants and tools were also solid contributors to this success”.
Olivier can be contacted through LinkedIn here
Find out how Flare Solutions’ approach saved Total Upstream Denmark millions of euros in the first eighteen months.
Click here to read the full case study