Flare Taxonomies: Information at your fingertips.

Taxonomy. It’s the science of classifying things and relating them to one another

Taxonomy. It’s the science of classifying things and relating them to one another

Think about classifying our squirrel;It’s an animal, it’s a mammal, it’s a rodent, it’s a squirrel, it’s a red squirrel.

Flare’s technologies apply an advanced set of taxonomies to information.

Creating a knowledge base out of the information you use in your business. The taxonomies provide structures and relationships that ensure people can find things; no matter what they are called or where they are kept

When you search using Flare’s Intelligent Search solution,

the Taxonomies ensure you get answers to the questions you ask; by finding the information you’re looking for; even when you’re not sure how or where to look.

use the power of Flare’s Taxonomies to put Intelligence into your Search.

Wherever a situation relies on finding prompt, accurate and comprehensive information to drive business decision-making, use the power of Flare’s Taxonomies to put Intelligence into your Search.


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