Operations and production reporting
Operations and Production Reporting, IM Consulting
Project Description/Issue
As part of an internal improvement program the client wanted to improve operations and production reporting practices throughout the organisation. The engagement looked at the policies, procedures and system requirements across the organisation, engaging with the multi-disciplinary team including senior management, reservoir engineering, production, petroleum engineering and other groups.
Flare’s Approach
Flare worked within the multi-disciplinary team at HQ, as well as working remotely to review and refine findings. Utilising Flare’s industry knowledge the consulting team were able to quickly understand the current state within the organisation and fine tune the queries required to identify gaps. A future state vision was developed, for agreement with stakeholders and included within final reports.
The client gained a broad view of their internal status, and an improved proposal for operations and production reporting workflow. A review of the market for operations and production reporting software was also utilised to allow the client to move forward rapidly to deploy a fir for purpose solution.