
Integrating search for physical and digital items using a metadata catalog

information classification E&P archive library

Key Benefits

  • A single integrated search tool brought together multiple information repositories, making search faster than going to multiple systems.
  • A common taxonomy improved search accuracy and relevancy across all repositories.

The Challenge

Flare was asked to support an international E&P company seeking a solution to enhance their information classification and help solve the challenges of finding information across their organisation. In addition, the solution needed to enable their physical E&P archive library to capture and track loan procedures, thereby enhancing the visibility and value of their information assets.

Flare’s Approach

Flare assisted in the deployment of the Catalog, integrated with Flare Taxonomies, to classify the client’s electronic information. In addition, Flare developed additional features within the Catalog, delivering a ‘warehouse’ module to manage the physical E&P archive library.

As a remote service, Flare assisted the client by migrating the metadata for over 350,000 electronic items, 175,000 physical items and 1.9 million files. Final configuration to the warehouse module provided functionality to capture and track loan procedures for their physical information assets.


  • The solution provided a ‘single search’ capability across previously disparate sources of information and using a defined set of metadata values (or common language), enabled the client to easily search and find information assets across their organisation.
  • In addition, information assets were associated with both physical and electronic documents and files – telling the full story.
  • The client is now able to record metadata about hardcopy documents, boxes, tapes, as well as rocks, core samples and fluids within the system.
  • The customised warehouse function enabled the client to more readily track their information assets and record lending activities for physical information assets.

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